Saturday, December 10, 2011


So TEXAS is @ the bottom of the financial literallcy totem pole....yet folks R going broke 4 Christmass & buying $300-$6000 concert tickets to see Jay-Z and Kanye.

I was reminded again the other day that we don't have a money issue in America as much as we have a SPENDING ISSUE.

People are struggling these days, but much richer than many in contemporary times and even in the history of the world.  Our issue is that we want more and we want it NOW.  And its killing us.

If a person is thirsty and at the point of catastrophe, what would you do?  Give them a drink right? Water is best to solve dehydration.  So what do you do when they refuse to drink the water you have given them? 

We are in want because we want the wrong things.
If we thirst after righteousness I guarantee that we would see less struggle in our financial outlook and behavior. 

How sad that many struggle financially but are too prideful to take the drink God has placed before them.  SIP, DRINK, GULP.

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