I do OK with money, well that is what I have been led to believe. People I know always seem to assume that I have more money that I actually do. I don't know why that is but it guess its not a bad thing. I am not one known to budget...officially. I am used to what I would call mental budgeting, that is where I set aside tithes and bills and then the rest was spent on needs and wants.
Usually on whims. However there are many flaws in that financial game plan, and as with all bad things, changes are required.
As we are moving into the new year, many have quoted the scripture that says "I know the plans I have for you...." as well as other promises of good fortune. Think about this, a good friend of mine died around this season last year and I know many who mourn during the holiday season due to loss. Not only is there loss of separation, but usually this also means that a substantial portion of income is loss. America is one of the few places on earth where there are ways to replace income due to death, it's called life insurance. The sad thing is that not all life insurance is good for everyone and many are often being misled by companies out to get money, not looking out for the best interest of others.
This blatant disregard for the average person's well being is one of the reasons that feel we are dealing with such financial woes in the US. Does this the negate the promises of good fortune in the bible? NO! At the end of the day we are to seek God in what He HAS FOR US, not how much he can give us. There is a lane we are to run in and it is not concern of ours as to how much better someone else's lane looks. We just need to trust GOD. Truth be told if you can CHOOSE what you want to eat and have to DECIDE what you wear, then you are beyond blessed.
Don't underestimate your current state of blessing.
Understand that not all is going to go as we would like it go this year, and there will be suffering to be had because of our hard hardheadedness. Be of good cheer, because suffering brings patience and wisdom and character...and prayerfully some leaning. There is so much I still need to change in my life this year and there are things you need to as well. It is interesting how troubled times open our eyes to our needs to change. I guarantee you that if you are reading this you are probably one of the 99.5% of people who need to make some changes in their money habits. As a good friend of my fathers told me last year,
"don't put good money out for bad!" - J. W. Williams
That is the beauty of life, that while we are on this side of the land, we can change.